- Toe River Arts Council The Toe River Arts Council puts on the twice yearly Toe River Studio Tours as well as many exhibits, special events and educational programs.
- Southern Highland Craft Guild The Southern Highland Craft Guild is one of the most prestigious craft guilds in the country. We are proud to be members. The site lists events, shows, member pages and shops.
- Handmade in America Handmade in America promotes and supports craft as a vital part of the economy and culture of Appalachia. The site has a comprehensive list of artists in our area, craft vacation packages, books and events.
- Hot Duck Soup Novelty Jazz Band is made up of five musicians including Tim on the washtub bass. Check out the Hot Duck Soup page on Facebook.
- Yummy Mud Puddle The site of Claudia Dunaway, a wonderful potter, and her husband John D. Richards who creates incredible sculptures out of every variety of trash.
- ZBS Foundation Here you'll find an amazing collection of audio adventures and audio books.
- Ila Seltzer Ila is a sculptor and friend of ours. She creates wonderfully organic sculptures in fabric based on flowers and plants.
- Jerry Newton Jerry does oil and watercolor paintings. He paints people of the Blue Ridge Mountains as well as doing a lot of painting when he's in Mexico. He's also a great stone mason.
- Hans Kellner Hans is Linda’s son and has a great website full of info for cyclists, great photos of people, places and things. Google ranks this site high.